Payback 2017 Results and Review

Welcome to my first PPV Results and Review! We’re going to see if the WWE is able to put on a decent show after a not-so-decent go-home show of Raw. This show already seems to be behind the 8-ball with underdeveloped stories and fan apathy. We’ll see though, because it is still wrestling, meaning it can still make for a fun evening!


Preshow is on now, which I’m going to give a generalized review for (if it wasn’t good enough to make the main show, it’s not good enough to get individualized reviews. Enzo and Cass take on The Club in a match that seems even less relevant than it was last time they pushed this rivalry a few months back. Of course it ends with a roll up, since hey, someone had to roll something to think this was a good idea. The other notable segment of the preshow is of course Miz TV with the incomparable Finn Balor. How is he not on the main show? What a waste of a superb talent. Good to hear him state plainly that he wants his title back. He seems more comfortable on the mic these days, and while Miz TV didn’t change anything for Miz or Balor, I’m always happy to see the Demon King. I will say though… if I didn’t have the Network, this would have done nothing to convince me to buy the show tonight.

2 Chair Shots out of 5

And we’re live from San Jose for one of WWE’s 245 PPV events this year! Preshow is over, and now it’s time for the main show to begin. All scores will be settled! Only they won’t because it’s wrestling! Zayn and Owens anyone?

Jericho vs (c)Owens (US Championship match)

What a surprise match to kick the show off with. The one long running, well built rivalry is getting the blow-off match as the opener. We probably know the outcome, but we also know these two will put on one hell of a show! We’ll miss you Y2J when you go on tour; no one sports a light up scarf better than you.

I love “The Face of America” shtick that KO has going right now. I hope he holds this belt for a while and really runs with this gimmick. I kinda need that shirt for 4th of July. Owens starts the match by running from his challenger, of course resulting in a pop when Jericho catches his prey, and we get some nice physical spots to emphasize the rivalry that has burgeoned between these two since last year. I still miss JeriKO though…

Nice Cannon Ball into the barricade to give us a near count out, but Jericho of course rolls in before KO slows things down with a senton and a choke hold. Beardless KO is weird…

Gotta love the ‘stupid idiot’ chants. Another reason to miss Jericho when he leaves. That said, no one looks like they are legitimately hurting someone more than KO, aside from Brock Lesnar. He looks like he is going to rip your head off each and every time he hits the ring. It’s why he is such a good heel. And he does this while not looking like a Greek God, but instead, just someone who likes to fight.

Awesome kick from KO for a near fall proves my point; he looks like he wants to hurt you. A double finisher reversal followed by a Lionsault into the knees of Owens. A cannonball leads to another near-fall and a Pop-up Powerbomb is reversed into the Walls of Jericho! Great sequence! Another single finger rope-break, which was unnecessary. It was cool the first time… try something else in round 2 please. Jericho gets vicious and smashes the arm of KO into the ring with the stairs. KO milks it, leading to an eye-rake. Another Walls of Jericho in the center of ring leads to a tap-out as Owens can’t reach out with his injured hand, and in a shocking conclusion, Jericho wins! What a swerve.

Jericho is your new US Champion! So much for “The Face of America”, unless there’s a rematch clause for tomorrow/Tuesday.

Good match, but falls short of the classic they put on at WrestleMania.

3.5 Chair Shots out of 5

(Fuck it, I’m introducing half chairs)

Austin Aries vs (c) Neville (Cruiserweight Championship match)

Both men’s singles titles defended in the first two matches? Odd choice, WWE…

First thing my wife asks? “These two are fighting again?” It is getting a bit repetitive between these guys, but they are simply too good not to have in the title match at this point. The division is growing, but these two are still at the top of the ladder. Should be interesting to see where they go with this. I’d like Neville to continue holding the title, but Austin Aries will get the belt eventually. It’ll be interesting to see who takes this match.

Neville has really bought in to the heel aspects of his character. He acts mean, cut back on some of the high flying moves, and just uses his strength to his advantage. It’s really great that his Red Arrow finisher is a rare move. It makes it special, and lends to that heel cred. He doesn’t use it for your entertainment; it’s a weapon used as a last resort.

Nice, vicious drop-kick leads to a near-fall, before Neville goes to work. He taunts the crowd, begging for their boos. It’s effective. You love to hate him. Austin Aries gives Neville a quick kick as he taunts the crowd some more before… hulking up? I’m not sure what that was. Some stiff slaps which always sound like pain. A near-fall for the challenger, and Aries takes control. The suicide dive through the bottom ropes seems less awe-inspiring than through the top two, or better yet, over the top. Just a nit-pick.

Aries pulls the elbow pad and sets up for a Discuss Forearm, getting a reversal, before finally hitting him in the corner with it. Sunset flip into the Last Chancery, before the ref is thrown by Neville, causing the DQ.

Austin Aries gets the W, but Neville retains. Good way to keep both looking strong.

3 Chair Shots out of 5

(c)The Hardyz vs Sheamus and Cesaro (Tag Team Championship match)

All three men’s titles defended early tonight. Bizarre.

Will Sheamus and Cesaro push the Hardyz towards a BROKEN future tonight and take the belts from their foes? Or will the nostalgia train keep chugging down the tracks? Or will they retain… and DELETE the competition? Actually quite a few ways for this to play out. The build-up was poor, but thanks to the following both teams have, it should still be an interesting outcome.

Jeff Hardy really can wrestle. Great to see him healthy and sober. Him and Matt will be great when they go into singles action, but I seeing the way both of them have continued to build characters and put on an entertaining match is a testament to their commitment. Hell, just check their Twitter pages.

On the other side of the ring, Sheamus may not be the cool kid that Cesaro is, but he is at the top of his game these days. I love the work he has done since the ‘best of 7’ series between him and his partner. I would not mind in the least if they won the belts back at some point.

The crowd urging Jeff with ‘DELETE’ chants is awesome, and a sign of things that have to come for the duo. You simply cannot ignore the BROKEN gimmick. Hell, Matt continues pulling out some of the BROKEN mannerisms to the delight of the WWE Universe (which despite the company thinking only watches their product, can be very aware of what happens in other promotions).

Cesaro uses every match to showcase his athleticism, and also to give those who say wrestlers aren’t real athletes the finger. He jumps off the ropes like someone half his size. Appropriate that he uses the Sharpshooter as well, since he can put on a technical clinic as well.

The Avalanche White Noise leads to a pin that is broken up by Jeff. This match is very enjoyable. Swanton after the quick tag leads to the 1-2-3, and the Hardyz retain. Really a good match. Strong start to the show.

A post match handshake, and nothing actually changes. Wait, never mind! Heel turn for the team of Cesaro and Sheamus! Now this is a nice turn of events. This is just the start of the rivalry apparently, and now, perhaps, we can go down the road of breaking the Hardyz. Brogue Kicks for everyone, and the heels stand tall with the belts after the beat down.

Good segment indeed.

3.5 Chair Shots out of 5

(c)Bayley vs Alexa Bliss (Women’s Championship match)

Ok, all of the belts will be fought over before the clock hits 10 tonight. I’m really a bit confused by this choice. I knew the House of Horrors or the Reigns vs Strowman match would close the night, but I didn’t think both would be after all of the titles were utilized.

Hometown pop for Bayley is unsurprising, but I’d love to see Bliss take this match. She has really come into her own over the last 6 months. Also like the Iron (wo)Man-like look she’s sporting. I was getting sick of the Harley Quinn bit.

Bliss is great at egging the crowd on. Bayley is great at wrestling. She just irritates me. She needs a character refresher. The hugging thing is just… Well, I guess it’s for the hipsters.

Bliss stepping on the ponytail, pulling the ponytail, dragging by the ponytail, all effective. She just looks like she is having fun as a heel. Not that Bayley isn’t having fun as the face, but it shows when a Superstar thrives as a heel, and makes that character more believable.

Bayley getting the neckbreaker from the ropes changes the fortunes for the face, and she begins working back into the match. She takes control with a series of running elbows and a sliding clothesline. A near-fall after a suplex, and Bayley finds her way up the ropes, giving her competitor an elbow. She goes for a Bayler-to-belly, but Bliss reverses in painful fashion. Bliss gets a 2 count off of a Sunset-flip. A Macho Man flying elbow leads to a 2 count, and the crowd is really into this match. Bayley goes for the pin, but Bliss kicks her head first into the post. That hurt. A DDT from Bliss shortly after, capitalizing on the post spot, and Bliss wins with the 3 count.

Good match. So far, really solid night. Too bad it was so poorly built toward, cause it does feel like it lacks emotion.

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (House of Horrors match)

Here we go. What are we in for? This could be the ultimate shit show, but… maybe it won’t suck? I have no idea. How do you even begin to preview a match like this? How do you anticipate it? How do you get excited for it? Such a great build up prior to WrestleMania, only for this feud to fall flat at the Show of Shows. And now… this thing? I don’t know.

Bray Wyatt secretly must be a Real Estate Mogul. He has all of this strange backwoods property just laying around to beat people up in, or to brainwash minions, or to bury Abigails. It really is something. They go for the horror movie vibe, and it isn’t horrible… it just isn’t good. Someone left the filter from the Wyatt promos on, and forgot this is a wrestling show. Really a match that is also inherently limited by the PG rating.

Don’t let this result in them being teleported to the ring… I don’t know how else they’d get there… but… please? Orton decided he was frustrated and breaks a plate. Oh, and fuck your table Bray. They fight in the kitchen, with Wyatt trying to use a pot as a weapon, before they take a nap on the tile floor. This feels more like a promo than a match, which shouldn’t be that surprising I guess. Wyatt give Orton a low-blow, then crushes Orton with a fridge. Of course.

Wyatt stumbles through the house as though he were me after a night indulging on Southern Comfort (never a good choice), before making his way outside the home. Kneeling in the grass in front of his home, he yells his trademark “Follow the buzzards” and the house turns red. Ok. Wyatt gets in the car and asks the driver to take him to the arena as he sings “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand”. End of part one I guess. Fine if it were a promo, horrible as part of a match.

I guess… uh, too be continued?

So far though…

1 Chair Shot out of 5

Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe

So, I forgot about this match. I forgot it was happening. I forgot an advertised match between heated ‘rivals’ was a thing that was going to happen. That’s not good WWE. You have given no one a reason to care about these two very talented wrestlers.

Joe logically targets the knee, trying to look mean and angry, but the match just feels like a normal match on Raw. It lacks intensity. Did like the slow motion shot of Rollins saying “Mother Fucker”. They cut out just before you could make out the -ucker part while reading his lips. Classic.

Powerbomb to a pin from Joe, that Rollins kicks out of, right into a half-crab. Nice little sequence. Both of these guys can put on a show. You just need a reason to care. Also have to wonder… how long are they going to milk the knee thing?

The Falcon Arrow is another one of those pretty moves you wish you’d see used more often. Just enjoy that move. A frog-splash leads to a near-fall soon after. A sleeper and a vicious clothesline puts Joe back in control. Joe tries locking in the Coquina Clutch, but Rollins rolls him up and gets the pin-fall. Rollins wins in a very unsatisfying match.

2 Chair Shots out of 5

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (House of Horrors match part 2)

Um, this is still a thing. The crowd is booing, as they were when part 1 ended, and Bray Wyatt may be irreparably damaged because of this match. How are you going to save your next Undertaker character when you book him so horribly. The real horror of this match is how much Bray Wyatt lacks any credibility as a character. I loved him looking strong at the end of Raw this week, even if it made no sense, because at least he looked strong. This isn’t making him look strong. It’s making him, and Orton for that matter, look like a sideshow. I cannot wrap my head around the thought process here.

Go figure, Randy Orton is there as the lights come back. Cause wrestling. Sure, Wyatt took his limo to get back, but Orton probably rode the magic tractor back. A hanging DDT from the table to the ground (vintage of course, or so I’m told), and the crowd expresses its true desire; put him through a table. Who doesn’t love a table. Or a chair. Always love a good chair shot. Wyatt tried selling his injuries, and Randy no sells the crap out of it. Why bother with that whole haunted house bit? Then the Singh Brothers come out and attack Orton. Wyatt tries taking advantage with a Sister Abagail, but of course Orton is still able to reverse it into an RKO. Out come Jinder Mahal, who uses the title to destroy Orton. Wyatt then hits his finisher. 1. 2. 3. No one really wins tonight. Wyatt looks weak. Orton is still boring as a face. And Jinder Mahal is a thing. Fuck this whole match.

Even worse than part one; final grade is the lowest I have given yet.

0.5 Chair Shots out of 5

Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns

This show has really deteriorated after a very strong start. Can Braun save us all again? Or will Roman Reigns put the Monster down? From the weakest link in the Wyatt Family, to the strongest heel on Raw, Strowman has really come far in the last year. Reigns is stuck in the same character hell he’s been in for years. Fans don’t like being told who to cheer, and Reigns will be booed regularly until fans are allowed to pick their face.

Reigns comes to the ring looking like he was hurt. This is consistent storytelling at least. Good on you, WWE. He starts by attacking Strowman, eliciting boos from the crowd. Reigns plays up the injuries by favoring his left arm. Reigns sells a chokeslam onto the announce table. He isn’t a bad wrestler. He just isn’t an interesting character. Strowman begins dominating the match the way we all want, as he has really gotten over with the fans.

Reigns finally manages a Samoan Drop and attempts the pin, but Strowman throws him off with ease. Reigns is really trying to sell those previous injuries, which, again, is good storytelling. Back outside the ring, Reigns shoves Strowman into the ring post, then Strowman runs and misses Reigns for a second post shot leading to a 9 count on Strowman. Spear from Reigns leads to a 2 count. Jesus, that would have destroyed the Strowman character. Reigns sets up for Spear #2 but runs into a boot. Reigns then hits 2 Super Man punches, but before Reigns can hit that built up Spear, Strowman catches him, leading to the Powerslam. Strowman only gets a 2 count, before lifting him like a rag doll and giving Reigns a second Powerslam. Finally. A 3 count, and Strowman wins. That was completely necessary to maintain the momentum of Strowman as he likely takes on Lesnar as a legitimate threat for the Universal Championship.

Post-match, Strowman grabs the steel steps and tosses them into the ring. Time for Strowman to smash as the crowd chants, “Thank you Strowman.” Strowman tosses Reigns onto the stairs chest first, further hurting those ‘injured ribs’. The dent from Reigns’ body in the steps is classic. Then, as the closer, Strowman lifts the steps above his head and slams them down, crushing Reigns. The Roman Empire has fallen, as Reigns coughs up blood in the ring.

And the show ends with another round of “Thank you Strowman” chants. But, you know, Reigns is The Guy, right?

Oh, and a “You deserve it” chant. Yep. Wrestling, ladies and gentlemen.

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Final Grade

So, I enjoyed Payback a lot. I also really hated the House of Horrors match sandwich. This show struggled from the weak build, but made up for it by throwing out some fun swerves, a couple of surprise title changes, and a very impressive finish. I love unstoppable monsters in wrestling. It makes it more memorable when the right wrestler slays the beast. Although, this beast seems like he is on a collision course with The Beast. The show should be a sure thing for a 4, or the equivalent of a B grade. That said, the parts of the show that failed to entertain weren’t just bad; they were horrible. That House of Horrors match will go down as one of the worst matches I will ever experience. And it was sandwiched around an incredibly boring match between two wonderful wrestlers. The bad was real bad, but most of the show succeeded so…

3.5 Chair Shots out of 5

This Week in Wrestling

Remember when the week leading up to a PPV was filled with excitement and intrigue? When the storylines bubbled over, leaving you anticipating that big match the following Sunday? Those were the days… Yes, back then, WWE Creative had to give you a reason to shell out your hard earned money that weekend, when they now have you on the hook for $9.99 every month from the onset. It’s the curse of the Network. We get tremendous value for the content we have access to, and the WWE knows this. This leads to a lack of effort for their non-big-4 shows. Why build up for something that every hardcore wrestling fan already is going to watch? It’s just a special edition of Raw or SmackDown, and similarly to those two shows, the diehards tune in regardless. Raw is mediocre at best most of the time, but they can pretty much count on the 3 million viewers a week that they get. That’s 90% of the reason why this week seemed so underwhelming.

Monday – Go-to-sleep Show

I was apparently much more generous toward Raw this week than most people were. I said it was a mediocre show. Others said it was awful. I don’t blame them. The show was supposed to be the big go-home episode that left all of the storylines red hot and ready for Sunday. Instead, we got whatever it was we watched. Less Strowman than the week before. More Dean Ambrose (who isn’t featured on Sunday’s show…). A 6-man tag match with The Club and Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins, Big Cass, and Finn Balor (who is going to be on the PRESHOW Sunday). They, thankfully, kept Roman Reigns off of the show to at least lend some credibility to the Strowman tour of destruction a few weeks back. Does seem like they may bury Strowman again though, even though he has been one of the best builds in the last few years for the company. It just seemed like another episode. I mean… does anyone care about Rollins vs Joe? Enzo and Cass vs The Club? The Hardyz vs Sheamus and Cesaro? There are two matches that have been built and have emotion; Jericho vs Owens and Reigns vs Strowman. Everything else is just… blah. And it showed with this weeks Raw.

Tuesday – the good one

SmackDown was a decent show. Some people don’t like how Nakamura is being built (I do), but they are building a program with him and Ziggler regardless. Something they have failed with on so many levels on Raw. And SmackDown accomplishes it with a 2 hour show. AJ Styles vs KO is going to be an amazing match, and they are building toward that. They’ve created storylines to work with in the Women’s division. They also have some of the most talented wrestlers in the company working on the show. SmackDown is the land of fun. The land of intrigue. Which is why I think they should have gone with a SmackDown PPV before the Raw PPV; let Raw figure out what they have, because SmackDown already has their shit together.


I officially don’t care about Randy Orton. Face Orton is just too boring, and if I don’t hate him, and I don’t like him, his character is DOA.

Strowman better beat Reigns. I want to see Strowman vs Lesnar, and you need him strong to pose a real threat to the Beast.

The way Kurt Angle was utilized this week on Raw was hot garbage.

Why are we making handicapped matches with the heel being the one with insurmountable odds? I still don’t get the logic. Especially when Kurt Angle helped Cass and Rollins avoid a disadvantage earlier in the night.

Glad I get to see Balor on Payback. Hate that it’s on Miz TV.

Is Charlotte face? What’s going on with Becky Lynch? What are the Mean Girls going to do next? I have questions about the women’s division involving something other than the Women’s title, and that’s a great development.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles for SummerSlam. Please? (They’re going to make us wait for WrestleMania…)

JBL still has a job. For some reason.

Handsome Rusev in a WWE Championship match? Awesome. Let him win, and take the belt to SummerSlam.

I hear Baron Corbin may be the favorite for the MITB briefcase. Meh.

I didn’t talk much about the cruiserweights. Mostly because there isn’t much to discuss this week. That said, I really am looking forward to the Austin Aries vs Neville match.

Brock Lesnar being WWE Champion was a good thing to me. It made the belt feel legitimate. I don’t really feel that way about him holding the Universal Title. Maybe because the belt is relatively new, it just seems like it needs to be more visible.

Check back tonight for reactions and reviews for tonight’s Payback!

Like, share, and follow me on Twitter @GeCWrestling!


TBT: Cena/Punk – Money in the Bank 2011

For my first ever Throwback Thursday special, I’m going to talk about a match very near and dear to me; John Cena vs CM Punk for the WWE Championship. This match rekindled my love for wrestling, one that had waned over the years. Not that I didn’t watch, just that I lost my passion for it. Monday Raw was no longer a must for me. I certainly didn’t watch SmackDown anymore at this point.

In 2005, John Cena became the WWE Champion. It didn’t affect me much, because I had paid less attention to SmackDown after JBL became a thing. I was watching the dissolution of Evolution as Cena did his thing over on team Blue. Triple H had been my favorite heel in the company since the late 90s, so I cared far more about the intrigue of him and Batista. It was a fun feud. Everything changed at that years draft though.

When John Cena came out with that stupid spinning belt after being drafted to Raw, I immediately despised him. It was just too much for me. Wrestling had always dabbled in the absurd, and I loved it for that reason, but at that point, the 17 year old angsty teenager in me couldn’t handle it. Yes, I was 17 in 2005. Bite me.

Ok, yes, as you maybe could’ve figured out, I was one of the early adopters of the “Cena sucks” chants. The guy was a rainbow colored Hulk Hogan who rapped. I loved Hulk Hogan… when I was 7. By the time I was 17, Hulk Hogan was that experimental phase in Hogan’s career before he got cool in the nWo and became Hollywood. Cena was on top of the world of professional wrestling, and at first, I would watch to root against him. Then he just kept winning.

As wrestler after wrestler fell short to SuperCena and his 5 Moves of Doom, I just watched less and less. After WrestleMania 23, which was in my hometown of Detroit, I had become wrestling’s equivalent of a C-E Christian. I tuned in during WrestleMania season (Christmas) and SummerSlam season (Easter), but that was about it.

2010 gave me a moment of hope with the Nexus angle, but it wasn’t until CM Punk came along to turn wrestling upside down that I really became invested. When CM Punk became the number 1 contender and dropped his pipe bomb, I felt like someone was actually expressing some of my displeasures with the company on live TV. I was the voiceless for whom Punk spoke. I knew Punk’s contract was actually nearing its end, so I never imagined him winning, but for a moment, that line between reality and scripted TV was blurred. I wanted to watch his match. His match against the man I hated. The man that I blamed (misguided, yes; it wasn’t John Cena’s fault the WWE milked him for every penny) for the ruin of wrestling. It was on; Cena was set to defend his title against CM Punk. And I never imagined it playing out the way it did…

First, I knew Cena had begun getting boos. So it wasn’t unexpected. The crazy pop Punk got from the hometown crowd wasn’t even entirely unexpected. The way I felt? That was. I was actually invested. I cared about the match. I didn’t just want Punk to win, I needed him to win. I needed him to save the WWE. To bring it home to fans like myself. When Michael Cole announced that at midnight, CM Punk’s contract would expire, even though I knew there was no way he’d leave at that point, I felt like the company deserved it. They needed to have someone leave with the belt. They had turned it into a spinning toy. It was no longer the grandest prize for the grandest stage.

Sitting in the middle of the ring, Punk looked intense, and the crowd was driving him in his quest. Then Cena’s music hit, and yes he was booed. His music was drowned out by the boos. He just walked to the ring, knowing he was not the hero on that evening. The smaller, less muscly, more arrogant (in a good way) man standing across from him was. Punk was the man. And Cena was an obstacle. I felt that excitement building. My stomach started tightening in the same way it would when I watched a Detroit Red Wings playoff game. I was all in.

As the match began, I tried tempering my expectations. Cena was going to win. He was going to carry the belt to WrestleMania because he was taking on The Rock. That’s just how Cena’s storylines worked. It was just the way it was. Then the “You can’t wrestle” chants began. Oh, fuck this guy, he has to lose the match! Chicago will riot! The announcers dropped hints about the Montreal Screwjob, discussed whether fans should support the man who was going to leave them should he win, and generally tied degrading the character of CM Punk. It just kept planting hints. Cena was going to win, but he had to lose.

Who doesn’t want to quit in epic fashion? Take the highest prize in your company, then walk right out? That was why fans related to him. That was also why fans knew it was, at this point, a work. It had to be. We finally got our guy, and they weren’t going to let him walk out. Hell, you still hear chants for him during wrestling events. Watching the little guy out wrestle the giant Greek sculpture was everything the fans could want. The little high five as he battled Cena on the outside, the smile after a near-fall, everything. Punk was in control.

A funny thing happened in this match though. I also began to respect John Cena. I still hated his jorts. His hats. His overly colorful attire. He’d later be called a Fruity Pebble, and deservedly so, but it wasn’t fair at this point to say he couldn’t wrestle. At one point Booker T said Cena was turning the crowd… no, we were still all in on Punk, but Cena did deserve respect.

The moment Cena went for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, only to get kicked by Punk was when I really began sitting on the edge of my seat. Every moment felt larger than the previous one. Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on his next try, and my stomach dropped as he lifted Punk for the AA. Then Punk reversed it, pulling my spirits right back up. Some high knees and a spring-board clothesline had me cheering in my living room. Then the STFU happened, and I was in knots again, begging for it not to end with a submission. It was a roller coaster.

At this point, I was emotionally spent, but still had to see how it ended. It was art. It wasn’t a string of finishers either, like the WWE has become overly reliant on. They countered each other’s finishers over and over, leaving the fans spent, yet begging for more. Near the end of the match, when Cena finally did hit the AA, you legitimately thought it was over. Then Punk kicked out. That is how you execute a kick out from a finisher. Near the end, when it seems like no one could even have enough left in the tank to even get up, let alone kick out. Then a second AA. A second kick-out. SuperCena couldn’t keep the Voice of the Voiceless down. Then Punk reverses an Avalanche AA, hits his own finisher, but the GTS knocks Cena out of the ring. I never wanted the match to end, but needed a conclusion before I formed an ulcer.

It didn’t take long after that. The WWE booked it perfectly, as the finish came at the perfect time. Punk would throw Cena back into the ring, after Cena had already gotten amble time to recover. McMahon came down as Cena locks in an STFU and tried to recreate the Screwjob. Cena stops him, being the valiant face, breaking the hold. When returning to the ring, Punk hits the GTS. 1. 2. 3. McMahon tries for a Del Rio MITB cash-in, but Punk hits him with a right. He then escapes through the hometown crowd, blowing a kiss goodbye to the boss. Taking the belt with him.

Amazing match.

The Summer of Punk, as we now call it, was a wasted opportunity, yes. It could’ve been the launching point of something magic. That launch would be delayed, as Punk would lose the strap at SummerSlam, get involved in a Triple H feud, before finally regaining his title and holding it for 434 days, a modern record. Punk would burn out on the business and the backstage politics of the WWE, but not before paving the way for stars like Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens, and many, many more. He was the indy darling who took over the biggest promotion in the world for a short period. He introduced elements of reality, which still makes for the best storylines in today’s wrestling.

I miss CM Punk every time I turn on a WWE program. He was one of my 5 favorite performers of all-time. He may be number 1 on that list if I sit and think about it. And I have him to thank for helping me fall back in love with professional wrestling.

We miss you Punk. Thank you for this match. Thank you for the entertainment. Thank you for the memories. And thank you for being you. No one else could accomplish what you did without your drive.


SmackDown Live Results and Review 4/25

Tonight’s SmackDown comes to us live from Des Moines, Iowa, which is definitely not Kansas City, Missouri. While Raw was average at best, SmackDown looks to bring plenty of excitement as we have a pretty great card. Charlotte Flair takes on Naomi for the belt, the tag division finds out who will face the Usos for their title, Orton takes on Erick Rowan, and most importantly, Shinsuke Nakamura will grace us with his presence. Check in all night as I update you on the outcomes and give you my opinion on the matches.

Oh, and we get to hear this…

Follow me on Twitter @GeCWrestling, and please like and share my blog with your friends.

And if you’re curious, tonight this 29-year-old is sporting an AJ Styles shirt. Cause I’m an adult.

Shinsuke Nakamura Promo

The best theme in wrestling starts the show off tonight as Shinsuke Nakamura kicks the show off in style. This guy oozes charisma. Of course, before he could say a word, Dolph Ziggler comes on down to get us all drooling for the classic these two are going to put on at some point. Ziggler gives us the cocky heel that I love from him, and acts as the interviewer for this segment. The King of Strong Style plays things cool. Awesome taunt from Ziggler referring to Michael Jackson (one of the inspirations for the Nakamura character, along with Prince), drawing some heat from the crowd. Of course half the crowd also doesn’t get the joke, but whatever. Shinsuke takes the mic but points out what we all know; his ability breaks down all language barriers. And jackass is universal. Ziggler gives a cheap shot before setting up for a Superkick. Nakamura counters and stands tall as the heel scampers away. God, this guy is amazing. Perfect, brief promo that keeps us all on the edge of our seats begging for the guy to wrestle.

This is about as great of a promo as you could ask for in an opening segment.

4 Chair Shots out of 5

AJ Styles vs Baron Corbin (Kevin Owens on commentary)

You’re spoiling us tonight WWE. First the King of Strong Style, now the Phenomenal One himself. Plus, the best theme song to start, the second best in the first match. Kevin Owens on commentary too? Loving it.

Baron Corbin has had a choppy push here. Really needed to win that IC belt at WrestleMania in my mind.

Kevin Owens on commentary confirms he is our new national treasure. Always love it when he gets to play the arrogant bad ass. The face of America vs the new face that runs the place. Can’t wait to see that match. Of course, in this current match, everything feels… off. I mean, AJ Styles can carry Corbin, but right now I’m not quite feeling it. Hard fall for Styles, then commercials. Of course. WWE is second only to the NFL when it comes to annoying commercial breaks.

Return to Corbin dominating. You know, I love heel Styles cause he gets to be the one destroying everyone. Just let him keep doing that. People were already cheering him, so why change the match chemistry to the typical face persona? Getting beat up the whole match before the big comeback is so… typical. He’s not typical. He’s PHENOMENAL!

Corbin eats some turnbuckle, then a Pele Kick, before Styles starts feeding off of the crowd. Owens reminds everyone that he’s still here, and also awesome. I’m afraid Corbin will die if they go through with a Style Clash. KO distracts Styles, but it doesn’t matter as Styles gets the rollup win.

Post match, Corbin and KO team up for a Styles beating before Sami Zayn runs in for the save. Hey, him and Corbin need something to do, so why not? KO knocks him out before executing a Pop-up Powerbomb to close the segment standing tall.

Strong finish to a match that felt lagging at first.

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Charlotte gives a short backstage promo, reminding us all that she’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. Seriously, they once considered a Chyna WWE Championship run… why not Flair? She could legitimately outwrestle most of the men on the roster.

Beat the Clock Challenge – American Alpha vs The Colons

The first two teams come out for the Beat the Clock Challenge. Who knows with today’s booking logic how this all plays out.

Shot of the Usos, reminding us that the SmackDown Live Tag Titles are horrible. Why can’t we have unique belts on both brands? And… belts that don’t look like a 1st grader’s art project.

The Colons look strong, hopefully setting them up for something less embarrassing than their run on Raw. Shouldn’t be hard, as SmackDown needs them to feel like a real threat in the division. A more serious, harder hitting Primo and Epico is definitely one way to do that. Jason Jordan gets knocked from the apron. We get teased with that double-team Backstabber, before Gable is saved and American Alpha finishes the match. Time to beat is 5:17.

It was ok. I don’t know. I’m losing interest in American Alpha and that’s a bummer.

3 Chair Shots out of 5


I miss Rusev and his crushing ways. Get healthy soon so we can see your sexy ass in action again.

A championship match for Rusev at Money in the Bank though… WWE or US Championship? Either way, I look forward to seeing him back soon.

Edit – according to the WWE YouTube video, it’s a WWE Championship match

Becky Lynch and the Mean Girls make an appearance backstage, with the Mean Girls seemingly lumping Becky and Charlotte together for old times sake… Wait… Charlotte face turn?

Randy Orton vs Erick Rowan (No DQ)

Erick Rowan is going to be a jobber after Payback. Which sucks.

Today’s WWE really wastes time when they make a TV match no DQ. They rarely live up to the stipulation in the PG Era, other than eliminating count outs and allowing for a toss into the stairs. Maybe we’ll get lucky and see a chair.

Erick Rowan laying out Orton with a dropkick is fun. Kendo stick time. Cause it’s no DQ, remember? I miss old school hardcore matches…

You know Rowan is going through that table… unless Bray does the magic light thing. Orton grabs the rope before Rowan can suplex him… beats the bald, ginger bearded man… grabs a kendo stick… he’s teetering… and through the table to a nice pop. Commercial time. WHY!? YOU JUST USED A TABLE!? Again, PG Era no DQ matches just lack that vigor they had in the Attitude or Ruthless Aggression Era.

Rowan is beating on Orton when we return, and we collectively sigh as we fondly remember the days of Randy Orton Wyatt. Or any heel Randy Orton. You can tell he has more fun as a heel, and he suits the role much better anyway. DDT from the second rope. You know, vintage. RKO gets blocked after that, before the match moves back outside of the ring. Rowan smacks Orton with the stairs, and finally we get a chair! Props it into the corner and tries throwing Orton into it. Fails. Runs at Orton who moves, sending Rowan shoulder first into the chair, setting up the RKO. And shut up JBL, it wasn’t out of nowhere. It made sense, and logically followed after Orton’s opponent was dazed. Randy Orton gets the W.

After the finish, we get a brief promo from Randy as he talks about the House of Horrors match that no one thinks will be any good. Whatever. Prove us wrong. Please.

Oh, I forgot about you Jinder Mahal. You’re the #1 contender for some reason. The Canadian heel gives us a heel promo reminiscent of Alberto Del Rio (more money, more class, blah, blah, blah). Dude, you’re Canadian. Leave it to WWE to make this program about race. Mahal goes for a cheap shot, and Orton counters. The Bollywood Boys come out, before metamorphosing into the Singh Brothers in the next breath. Mahal and his new stable walk away with the belt.

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Beat the Clock Challenge – Breezango vs The Ascension

Breezango are great. They really are. I love the metrosexual cop look, the selfie stick, everything. Just a fun team. Oh, and there’s the Ascension.

So, we’ve got a heel vs heel match here, and the winner possibly gets the Usos… another heel team. Where are the faces in the tag team division? New Day is still MIA, Rhyno and Slater are on Raw, and the Hype Bros are half injured, half Mojo.

The answer to this problem… #DIY.

Back to the match, and you can hear a pin drop in that arena. Wait, before I could finish my thought, Breezango wins! They beat the clock! Wow. Match was nothing special, but don’t let the rating fool you; I kinda dig the result.

That said, I still thought the match stunk. The Ascension are so far from a threat in the division at this point, that they may as well head back to NXT, and that crowd was so out of it.

2 Chair Shots out of 5

Another promo promoting House of Horrors, and I still have no idea what is going on. I don’t think I’ve ever had lower expectations for a match.

Charlotte vs (c)Naomi – WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship Match

And Des Moines gets ready to Feel the Glow in their first ever night club experience (kidding; even Marquette, Michigan has a night club). Naomi gets to the ring and we get a commercial break.

Charlotte comes to the ring, and after the intro, we start the match. Then we start another commercial break.

Ok, wrestling again. Charlotte has Naomi on the ground as she controls the match. Really hope she wins the title here. The Queen is best with a crown. Reminded that Naomi is an athlete, forgetting that Charlotte is pretty athletic herself. Naomi starts getting some momentum with a few kicks and a hurricanrana. A stiff strike leads to a 2 count for Naomi. A little back and forth leading to a second near-fall. Huge powerbomb from Charlotte gets another 2 count. Charlotte then goes flying and hits the knees of Naomi. The Mean Girls comes out and end the match as they beat Charlotte, causing a DQ. Face turn indeed. I don’t know what this Mean Girls stable will actually be called, but it’ll be interesting to see where the SmackDown women’s division goes from here.

Solid match, as Naomi and Charlotte can flat out wrestle, but ruined by the no contest finish.

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Final Grade

The show started of hot, featured some great action, and pushed storylines forward. It was two hours of fast paced wrestling, and proved to be far superior to last night’s average Raw (and apparently, that’s me being generous based on some reactions to Raw…). SmackDown continues to tease Nakamura, and I couldn’t agree with this strategy more, even though I’m dying for his first match. Nakamura has an aura to him already, and should be a mainstay on the main event scene by summer. AJ Styles and KO actually built toward their confrontation, and Zayn found something to do (before he’s sadly squashed by Corbin). The women’s division has intrigue, and Handsome Rusev made a cameo. Love the Breezango win, but they negative is still the tag division. It just feels so aimless at this point, which is a stark contrast to the Raw division. Enzo and Cass, Sheamus and Cesaro, the Hardyz, The Club, Revival when they return. Just a much deeper roster. Still, good show tonight, as SmackDown goes back to showing up the ‘A show’.

4 Chair Shots out of 5




Raw Review and Reaction 4/24

Welcome to my first ever Raw Review and Reaction article. I’ll recap each segment, then give it a rating (1-5 Chair Shots). Enjoy! Be sure to check back throughout the night as I add in my reactions.

We open with a recap from last weeks Raw is Strowman. God, I’ll never get over the Kalisto bit. Hilarious watching the ref go flying as the ring blew up last week too. For such a mediocre show, it sure was memorable.

Highlight Reel

And we’re live from Kansas City! Well, I’m in Mount Clemens, but yeah, the show starts off with Chris Jericho and the Highlight Reel. I do love me some Jericho, but can we please start the show with a wrestling match once in a while? The promo could’ve waited 15 minutes… God, Jericho does know how to work the crowd, whether he’s a heel or a face. Drink it up, cause he’s going to be missed when he leaves to do his rock star shit. Only a man as awesome as him can pull off professional wrestler AND rock star.

Here comes the Miz. With Jericho’s impending departure, it makes sense that we get the host of Miz TV out to do his thing with Jericho. The charisma that oozes from these two is tremendous. You get the feeling early in the promo though that a tag match is coming.

Here comes Dean Ambrose, further enforcing the feeling of a tag match. Something is off about Ambrose these days. The guy really needs a character reboot. Everyone needs to make The List at this point. This segment really began to drag a bit when Ambrose came up, but it makes sense for story purposes I suppose.

Festival of Friendship references still make my heart sad.

Miz speaking truth again; he blends reality with story so well. Give him his belt back. The passion with which he delivers a promo is fantastic. Dean Ambrose has been a dud as IC Champ.

A Dirty Deeds, and an addition to The List ends the segment to a nice pop, but really this segment doesn’t do much. Should’ve just let Miz and Jericho go at it verbally. Oh well. No tag match announcement at least. Yet.

2 Chair Shots out of 5

Matt Hardy (w/Jeff Hardy) vs Sheamus (w/Cesaro)

The Hardyz and Cesaro/Sheamus is a tag team title match with no animosity as of now. This match has to do something to build toward that match or it’s going to be a dud. That said, knowing WWE, we know Matt Hardy is losing this match. Cause, you know, 50/50 booking.

Why did they skip the great opening of Cesaro/Sheamus?

The nostalgia has worn off already for the Hardy Boyz. They need to get that lawsuit figured out ASAP so we can get the Broken Hardyz that everyone is dying for.

Generic match so far. Always love those Broken teases thoug, and a nice apron spot before the commercial helps. That Side Effect looked great. After the commercial we get a Beats of the Bodhran, which will be “Vintage Sheamus” within 5 years. Delete MeekMahon’s show Matt. That crowd is all over the delete chants. No one watches TNA… everyone knows about Broken Matt. Funny how a good gimmick can overcome a bad show. Some signs of a heel turn for Sheamus/Cesaro, which makes sense, then a Twist of Fate proving I was wrong. 50/50 booking didn’t win tonight. Love seeing Matt get the W.

Some bickering after the match… a handshake? Or… damn, no Brogue Kick. Could’ve built a little animosity, but you get the feeling that Payback is just the start of the rivalry. Whatever. This segment is just meh.

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Neville/TJ Perkins vs Austin Aries/Jack Gallagher

Neville and Austin Aries continue their campaign to save the cruiserweight division. Having Gallagher and Perkins work with them spreads their magic fairy dust beyond the limits of their excellent matches, and gives the whole division more credibility.

Right into the action. Team Face gets the initial jump on the heels to get the crowd into it. Seriously, these matches have gotten better each and every week, and the crowd last week let the cruiserweights down. They put on a fun match for a dead crowd. Aaaaand commercials to kill the initial excitement. They’ve got to drop the purple ropes at some point… right? Hot tag for A-Double. Aries is as much of a treat to watch as anyone on the roster. Time to fly! A suicide dive leads to a 2 count, which leads to the Last Chancery. Broken up by Neville of course, but the match ends soon after that with a Discuss Forearm from Austin Aries on TJ Perkin. Fun, quick match. Really need to give these guys more air time though. The only reason they don’t get above a 3 is because of how abbreviated this match felt…

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Braun Strowman vs Kalisto (Dumpster Match)

So… a Dumpster Match… A Casket Match with banana peels. Horrible idea… but it could work because the Monster among Men is red hot over right now. Classic heel promo prior to the match, setting up for the obvious Roman run-in.

Kalisto, Braun treats everyone like they’re garbage… and you’re better off just accepting you are garbage, otherwise he might throw you into the sun.

Bell rings and you can’t help but think a toddler is trying to beat up an adult as Kalisto circles Braun and lays a few harmless kicks. Staggering the Monster, Kalisto makes it look like… Oh, just kidding, time for some lawn darts, Kalisto. You’re the dart. It’s time to go into your hole, Kalisto… wait… wait… just kidding, Strowman isn’t going dumpster diving. Kalisto is dead. Call the coroner. Bring out the casket. Or, dumpster. Kansas City apparently doesn’t hate Roman Reigns as much as the rest of us do, as there’s a decent “We want Roman” chant. One that isn’t totally drowned out by “Roman sucks”. And Strowman lost…

Odd booking choice. Kept Strowman strong by having the post-match beat down, but really needed to give Strowman the win in my mind. Kalisto is tossed in the dumpster, and the dumpster is closed (shouldn’t that be how you win?). Braun then looks to continue his dominance over inanimate objects. After destroying an ambulance and a wrestling ring, it only makes sense that he now destroys a dumpster with a tiny human inside of it. Keeping Roman out of this segment was wise too. Glad I was wrong in assuming he’d be involved here.

Barely gets the first positive rating of the night…

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Gratuitous Roman Reigns Promo


Gratuitous Bray Wyatt Promo


Neither is getting a grade, ’cause neither is anything more than filler. We know who Roman is, and we still don’t like him. We know the House of Horrors match is going to be horrifying (probably not in a good way either…). Why do they continue to misuse Bray Wyatt? We do like him!

But, you know, follow the buzzards. They’re circling Kalisto’s body.

Dana Brooke vs Alicia Fox

This will be a match. A match on TV. Dana Brooke is starting to develop as a character and her interactions with Emma have been entertaining so far in building to their eventual match. Dana tries to prove she doesn’t need to be a minion. Emma tries to get her to fall into old habits. I mean, it’s not the worst thing going. I just don’t know why we needed this particular match.

Dana Brooke wins the squash, Emma awkwardly hugs her, and we’re done. Whatever.

1 Chair Shot out of 5

Seth Rollins/Enzo/Cass vs Samoa Joe/The Club

Prematch beatdown makes sense here, as the six men in this match already have some established bad blood. Enzo died. They keep killing the little guys tonight. Then, before the bell… Commercials.

Finn Balor/Rollins/Cass vs Samoa Joe/The Club

Awkward cut in, setting up the Balor Club express. I don’t care, shut up, take my money. I love that man like no man should love another man. My wife knows I’d do horrible things with the Demon King. I mean… look at those abs. Anyway, the match begins, and now we can all just wait for that hot tag for Finn Balor so he can bring the Coup de Grace to his former Bullet Club brethren and finish the match.

Ok, random moment of fantasy booking; how perfect would a heel turn be here for Finn. Get The Club back together, and go get his belt, then make the WWE his bitch…

I do love face Finn though, and this match has settled into the typical heel/face tag dynamic. Big Cass seems so out of place next to Finn and Seth. Finn must be just fine, otherwise there is no way they let him take the bumps here. Balor moves out of the way before the big elbow, leading to a tag for Rollins. Nice little face pop, and CrossFit Jesus takes over and gets the pin. Straight forward match with the faces going over. Cool to see the new jumping knee finisher from Seth Rollins.

And for the record, yes, I am a 29 year old man wearing a Finn Balor T-Shirt at this very moment.

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Alexa Bliss-Bayley Promo

Comes out bitching about people talking, then talks. You know, logic. Love the “What?” troll job from Bliss.

Not the goddamn wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing-tube-men… Bayley is a good wrestler, but I can’t stand her 12-year-old living the dream gimmick.

Alexa Bliss is now showing Bayley how to drop a promo, and getting some real heat. Hey, she’s calling Bayley a 12-year-old too! One who hasn’t kissed a boy! You’re a poo-poo face Alexa!

Sasha comes out, probably followed by Nia Jax to set up a tag match for tonight. When is she going to turn on Bayley? SummerSlam?

A bit more of a back and forth, then Sasha lays out Bliss, and we’ve got a match. Never mind on the Nia Jax bit for now.

The women of Raw officially outshined the opening promo that involved two of the best talkers in the company today. All thanks to Dean Ambrose. He better make The List. Again.

Also says a lot about the current crop of talent in the Women’s division.

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Alexa Bliss vs Sasha Banks

Short match, with Bliss taking the count out. Furthers the story before Payback, and the post-match shenanigans make sense, but nothing to write home about.

2 Chair Shots out of 5


Curtis Axel is alive.

Curt Hawkins Monday Night Squash

I don’t know how I feel about these segments. I thought they were a waste of Hawkins at first, but at the same time… at least he’s on TV. Also gives Apollo Crews a chance to push his story with Titus O’Neil. Give Crews a little more… anything. He’s white bread boring right now, even with that freakish athleticism.

They have to remind us that Hawkins was once something just to emphasize how impressive this squash match is (not).

2 Chair Shots out of 5

Brauuuuun’s reign of destruction is highlighted. Cause #ThankYouStrowman

A drifter wanders by, and we’re all set for the Main Event.

Dean Ambrose/Chris Jericho vs The Miz/? (w/Maryse)

So the faces come out… building the anticipation and excitement… Then the “Awwwwesome” one comes out… It’s been a while since WWE truly had me baffled as to who the mystery opponent could be in a match…

Miz introduces us to… nobody. Looks like his partner either isn’t showing up, or will make a late entrance for dramatic flair. Hey, Miz is the A-lister, right? Miz wants to cancel. Kurt Angle comes out and says nope, so apparently this match is going to start out as a handicap match. Cause you know, why not? Then, WWE reminds us how great they are at commercial breaks.

We return, and of course Jericho and Ambrose are in control. That is the usual function of a handicap match. Funny listening to Michael Cole justify this handicap match though. Go back to sleep Cole. Quite the bruise on Miz’s leg there. Miz tries for a handshake, slaps Ambrose, runs away, hides behind his wife, then kicks Ambrose. Ladies and gentleman, that is heel 101. Miz goes for his Daniel Brian impression, which is still awesome, then gets rolled into a 2-count. Hot tag to Jericho. Solid action for a 2 on 1 match so far, but still waiting…

Dean Ambrose/Chris Jericho vs The Miz/Bray Wyatt!!! (w/Maryse)

As the match devolves into a brawl outside of the ring, Ambrose sets up Miz for a Dirty Deeds onto the table, but then Bray Wyatt decides this is over and takes Ambrose out with a Sister Abigail into the TitanTron. Wyatt yells at Miz to drag Jericho to the ring, where he gets suckered into a Code Breaker. Wyatt obviously doesn’t have time for this shit, and takes out Jericho. Bray stands over Jericho’s body as Miz awkwardly puts his hand on him, before Wyatt punishes him for his incompetence. Wyatt ain’t your typical heel folks. Wyatt looks to the sky, and calls for us to follow the buzzards as the show ends.

Wyatt really comes off strong here, finally making an impact on Raw. Let’s see where we go from here…

4 Chair Shots out of 5

Final Grade

So, look, it was an average show. That doesn’t mean it was bad, and there were some good moments tonight, but overall, outside of Bray’s appearance and Strowman’s continued tour of devastation, the show lacked that buzz and excitement you hope for in a go-home show. I know it’s been four weeks since WrestleMania, but they really could have waited a couple more weeks for the Raw PPV. SmackDown actually made more sense coming off of the Show of Shows, since Bray/Orton made more sense on that show, as does Owens/Jericho. You don’t have the Universal Title being defended for a bit longer, and Charlotte could’ve easily done a title match against Naomi. She doesn’t need there to be a rivalry to make a compelling story, as long as the strap is involved. Anyway, Raw was fine. Hoped for more after the previous 3 weeks, but it still manages…

3 Chair Shots out of 5

Good night folks, and please follow me on Twitter @GeCWrestling, like and share the blog, and tune in tomorrow for my SmackDown Review and Reactions.


I’ll be Twittering live reactions to tonight’s go-home episode of Raw as it airs from Kansas City, Missouri. Watch as I nerd out over Finn Balor, plea for Kalisto to be turned into a living championship belt for Brauuuun, and try to figure out why the Miz doesn’t always have the Intercontinental Championship. Seriously. He is just the best Intercontinental Champ. Oh, and then we can all try to figure out how Payback is supposed to mean anything with so many weak storylines.

Follow me on Twitter @GeCWrestling!

Oh, and please like, share, etc.

You hear the news?

Today is John Cena’s birthday. I mean, I don’t know if you knew that, but it’s a big deal. It’s the biggest and best birthday for a 40 year old wrestler ever. There will never be a more important birthday than John Cena’s 40th. To honor him, let’s think back on his biggest moments…

John Cena vs RVD (One Night Stand 2006)

John Cena vs Brock Lesnar (SummerSlam 2014)

John Cena vs The Rock (WrestleMania 28, “Once in a Lifetime”)

John Cena vs CM Punk (Money in the Bank 2011)

John Cena vs AJ Styles (SummerSlam 2016)

Seriously, I now have a begrudging respect for John Cena after years of bashing. He has pushed his craft, and put on some amazing matches (him and Styles could wrestle forever). And I’ll say he is a beast. At 40, that man is still a tank. So… fine… happy birthday John.


John Cena sucks.


This Week in Wrestling

New blog, new voice, same IWC bitching.

This is Brandon here, and here at Give ‘em the Chair Wrestling (GeCW), I’m going to give my opinions on the world of professional wrasslin’ every week. I’ll focus on the mainstays at first (WWE’s Raw and SmackDown), and possibly spread into other realms as this blog (hopefully) grows. I’ll also do a Sunday week in review where I’ll touch on the topics I feel like rehashing briefly from the previous week’s events. I’ll also preview whatever WWE Network special/PPV may be on the horizon, such as next week’s Payback. As I find my groove, I’ll modify things here and there, but for now, let’s jump right in to the past week’s shenanigans…

Monday – Braun is War

Braun Strowman dragging a helpless Kalisto through the backstage area may have been my favorite moment from the year of wrestling so far. Claiming he wasn’t leaving alone while basically turning an adult man into a souvenir cup from your favorite local brewery is the epitome of badass. He was the ultimate monster heel and simultaneously the most over babyface in the world. It was magic. They didn’t even have to blow up the ring that night to make me happy. I mean, I still appreciate Braun destroying everything (even if many astute Twitter users called it the moment Raw went on the air due to the old-school ring sticking out like a sore thumb…), but when the day comes, I now want him to replace the Universal Title with Kalisto. Just take him, wrap him around his waist and proclaim himself WWE Luchador Master.

I think other things happened on Raw, but nothing worth recapping. Oh, other than stating plainly that Raw needs to make Finn Balor it’s top babyface yesterday. That guy is special. But, yeah, Brauuuuun.

Tuesday – Wait, what!?!

Jinder Mahal is the number 1 contender for the WWE Championship. That sentence is a true statement. Meanwhile, AJ Styles, the best thing to happen to the WWE since the Summer of Punk, is the number 1 contender for the United States Championship. Which is held by Kevin Owens. I know SmackDown is an entertaining show, and a showcase for some of the best wrestling you’ll see in today’s WWE, but someone really dropped the ball in their writer’s room. They really should’ve just stuck AJ Styles into a triple threat against Orton and Wyatt, put the belt back on him, and let him be the torch bearer that he really is.

Cruiserweight progress – The King finds a prince?

TJ Perkins going heel is working. It shouldn’t, but it is. Watching a guy come out to video game music, who dabs, screams boring face, but now… That dab is a taunt, and you hate him for doing it. He’s now that cocky little shit who kills everyone at Call of Duty. It shouldn’t work, but it does.

Letting Neville and Austin Aries bleed into the rest of the division is a simple, yet effective way to grow the characters and give the fans reason to invest into these very talented wrestlers. Now, the WWE needs to just take the restraints off of them and let the flippy shit fly.


Orton/Wyatt is going to be a disaster. An absolute disaster.

I’m going to miss Chris Jericho.

Please don’t let Roman Reigns beat Strowman again. And don’t keep the Universal Title on Brock Lesnar until WrestleMania. Shove Reigns/Lesnar down our throats, but make that a match about the 2 in 23-2. Put the belt on Strowman, build him up, have Balor feud with him (Monster v. Demon King), losing at first, before unleashing the Demon on him and taking his belt back.

Shinsuke Nakamura is the most over wrestler to never wrestle on the main roster. It’s magic. Can’t wait to see him, Styles, and Kevin Owens fight forever on SmackDown Live.

Can we figure out what to do with The Club already?

A new Wyatt family could really give some of the roster a shot in the arm on Raw, but is anyone else worried about what the company is going to do with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan over on SmackDown without Bray?

Can I get a Kalisto-being-dragged-by-Braun shirt on the WWE Shop? Take all my money!

Am I the only one who doesn’t want a Shield reunion? I know it’s coming, but…

Dumpster match. No. Luggage match. Yes. Just because I want to see Braun stuff Kalisto into a suitcase.

I miss the Big Gold Belt.

When Bray Wyatt finishes the Balor feud, can he just torment Matt Hardy until he is… BROKEN?

Twitter –, @GeCWrestling